5 tips for setting up gardens in small spaces


garden with footage. In small houses and apartments, green forces through gardens, healthy pots, vegetable gardens and fruit plants: it is enough to guarantee the species the minimum necessary for it to grow healthy and happy!

  1. Choose the species according to the environment

Before going out to buy the species, it is necessary to identify which types of plants are most suitable for the chosen location, after all, the inappropriate environment will harm their development. Agricultural technician Vinicius de Souza Lima and landscaper Alessandro Marcos Tavares, partners of GetNinja, teach how to choose according to the incidence of light in the environment:  For closed environments and without lighting, shade plants are preferable, such as zamioculca, pacová and anthuriums;  For indoor environments with artificial lighting, choose shade or semi-shade species, such as maranta and rafis;  For open environments, which receive sunlight only in the morning, the ideal are semi-shade plants, such as fern, orchid, bromeliad and peperomia;  Open environments, which receive sunlight all day, require full sun vegetables, such as azalea, ixora and yellow shrimp.

  1. Grow in the ideal pot

When choosing the pot, check the current size of the plant and its growth trend. Depending on the species, the pot may not support it and the root will not grow properly. “Most tropical species need moist soil, but not soggy soil, so I always recommend draining the pots. A layer of stone – two fingers – and holes in the bottom are enough. Another good tip is to always place a drainage blanket or even a coffee filter between the layer of earth and stone, avoiding the loss of soil over time", explains gardener Marina Reis.

3. Attention to fruit trees

In the case of fruit trees, before choosing the pots, it is necessary to consider the availability on the site. The cherry, for example, requires hours and hours of direct light, while the lemon tree survived with periodic sunbathing. “Jabuticabeira, on the other hand, does not need direct sun all day, but it does require at least half a day,” explains João Manuel Feijó, a specialist in biophilic design. At planting time, placing a species in a pot that is too small can plan its development. Landscape architect Raul Pereira recommends a minimum diameter of 40 cm by 50 cm in height for a species of 1.5 meters. “During growth, it is possible that the species needs to be relocated, always leaving a distance of 10 cm between the wall of the pot and the clod of the seedling”, he teaches.

4. Aposte no jardim vertical

Ideal for small spaces, the green wall has benefits with a sustainable bias that are not yet explored: its structure is capable of attenuating noise pollution in indoor environments, since the vegetation “dampens” the sound waves, and also brings thermal comfort. “But remember: the vertical garden must always be in an airy place and close to the entrance of light. Therefore, avoid placing it on glazed balconies or corridors”, says landscape designer Catê Poli.

5. Invest in a vegetable garden

According to the architect Elisa Lavie, vegetable gardens are also suitable for those who have little space. "This way, the garden will be both decorative and functional. But it is important to pay attention to the needs of each species when watering and positioning", he says. According to the agronomist and specialist in organic agriculture Fabiana Froés, the choice of vegetable gardens must be directly related to the amount of light available. "Most of the vegetable species need 5 to 6 hours of light a day. If you have spaces that receive 4 hours of sunlight, choose Swiss chard, watercress, chicory, celery, lemon balm and peppermint", he says. If the place is lit for longer, with 6 hours of light a day, it is possible to grow coriander, basil, mint, chives, parsley, oregano and rosemary.

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