No matter the size of your home, there is always room for a garden. 

Check out our tips!

 01 - SIZE First thing is planning. Choose the location and size of your garden, delimit the area, observe the incidence of sun, rain, the quality of the soil and try to visualize it finished to get an idea of ​​how it will harmonize with the rest of the environment. A professional gardener can do this planning and soil correction for you.

 02 - TYPES OF PLANTS Now that you know the location and size of your garden, choose the type of plant. Shrubs, flowers, fruit trees, grass... Everything is valid, however each type of plant will transmit a message in your garden. Robustness, delicacy, tranquility, joy... 

03 SIZE OF PLANTS Remember that your plants grow! Always observe the final size of the chosen plant so you don't run the risk of it invading the space of other plants or even causing structural problems in your home. 

For your garden to always have beautiful plants, know the final size of each one and if it's better to keep them in pots or on the ground. A plant that can reach 80cm in height, for example, requires a pot 30cm deep by 20cm in diameter. Also note that the roots accompany the growth of the plant.


04 DECORATIVE ITEMS Use creativity to make your garden more cozy! One idea is the furniture on pallets that are cheap and very beautiful. Arrange them in "U" or "L" to facilitate interaction between people. You can also use some pots, teapots or bottles as vases, cages as lamps, an old chair becomes a swing, a basket for flowers and even leftover bricks can become a space to light a fire on the coldest days. 

Be very careful that there is no accumulation of standing water in your garden, thus preventing the proliferation of Aedes Aegypti.

05 LIGHTING It is not enough to have a beautiful garden only during the day. Artificial lighting is essential to beautify your garden at night too. Know the most common types of lighting: Sconces: These pieces are fixed to walls and illuminate strategic points. They can enhance plants and decorative objects, leaving the space romantic and cozy. Various materials are used, such as glass and metal.

 With internal wiring, these items are great to complement, with elegance and good taste, the decor of any place. Reflectors: They are indicated for larger spaces and prioritize safety, as they focus on visitors. In addition to brightening large areas, they illuminate uneven areas, such as stairs and ramps, with great efficiency. Currently, manufacturers offer very effective models with bold and sophisticated design. Metal and glass are the main components of these products, which are also connected by internal wiring. Skewers: These are light fixtures attached to small poles or pedestals. They are charming, contemporary and widely used to demarcate paths. Places like the entrance to the house gain grace and charm when adorned with these elements. Both the luminaires and the supports have metal as their main raw material. With different types of finishes, they meet the most varied tastes and lend beauty and modernity to the environment. 

Spots: The spots follow the latest market trends. Versatile, they highlight furniture and objects. These products are made using metals, fibers, glass and other inputs, and can be recessed or overlapping. The built-in models can also be installed on the ground, which is a great option for highlighting walls and trees. Lakes and fountains are enchanting when illuminated by steerable spotlights. Cordão de Luz: The cords of light help to create a relaxed, charming and romantic atmosphere in the environment. With discreet and pleasant lighting, these items are super high in decor and can be used in many ways! An important tip is to hire an electrician to properly do the electrical installation of the chosen luminaires.

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