30 decorating and renovation tips that are worth gold

  1. Remember: the first step is to measure all spaces Before going to the store, measure with a measuring tape the size of the furniture and the distance needed between them to be able to circulate. Never rely solely on your visual perception, otherwise you could end up buying a sofa that doesn't fit in the living room.

  1. Furniture with multiple functions To save space, a good tip is to try to give other functions to the same piece of furniture. In this project, interior designer Andrezza Alencar created a bench that also serves as a trunk, in which the resident keeps crockery and accessories.
  2. chair dance To ensure good circulation, dining table chairs need a minimum setback of 60 cm. If you don't have this space, opt for benches against the wall, as in Andrezza Alencar's project.
  3. To embed dichroic lighting, you need a ceiling at least 12 cm high. If the ceiling height only allows for a thinner ceiling, opt for structured plasterboard, measuring 9 cm, and use mini-dichroic lighting fixtures.
  4. To embed dichroic lighting, you need a ceiling at least 12 cm high. If the ceiling height only allows for a thinner ceiling, opt for structured plasterboard, measuring 9 cm, and use mini-dichroic lighting fixtures.
  5. Forro de gesso Se o living tiver menos de 2,70 m de pé-direito, aborte a ideia de fazer um forro de gesso. Faça poucos pontos no teto e abuse da iluminação indireta. No caso de o apê já ter forro, vale a pena abrir um buraco para conferir o tamanho dele.
  6. Curtains require space Leaving a very small gap in the plaster ceiling to install the curtain is a risk, because the space required varies according to the model chosen. Curtains with a track need a minimum of 10 cm of gap. The Roman one, as in this project by SAO Arquitetura, requires a distance of 12 cm or more. To install a roller blind and a rail, allow a space of at least 17 cm.
  7. Look at the level! When installing the living room floor, don't forget to pay attention to the level. In order not to make mistakes and end up creating an unnecessary step right at the entrance, the architect Diego Revollo reminds us that the floor height is determined by the elevator threshold.

  1. The size of the door According to the architect Roberto Negrete, the entrance door must be the widest of all, with at least 80 cm to allow the entry of furniture and purchases.

  1. Sockets A lot of people don't know, but there is a standard for the height of switches and sockets. According to the architect Gustavo Calazans, the switch must be installed at a height of 1.10 m, and the socket, 30 cm from the floor. And don't forget to line them up: socket just below the switch, on the same axis.

  1. Hide and seek To camouflage the air conditioning condenser, Andrezza Alencar created a slatted wooden structure, which also serves as a support for a flower box. But, in order not to invalidate the product warranty, check the manual for the breather specifications before carrying out the joinery.
  2. energy to spare Before making any electrical changes, such as installing an air conditioner, check the condition of your building. If the building is old, the entrance frame may not hold up.

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